Commitment & achievements
Stronger together!
Environment, education, social concerns or culture - the VEKA Group companies and their employees are involved in these areas in many different ways in and around their locations. All these projects share one common goal: to improve the quality of life for the local population.
Commitment to Climate Protection

While many social challenges have recently required a lot of attention, climate change must not take a back seat. CS Science Communication GmbH and the Helmholtz Association REKLIM have therefore visualized the ABC of climate change on an informative poster. This poster will be distributed not only at three of our German locations but also to secondary schools in the surrounding districts.
VEKA AG, GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH, and VEKA Umwelttechnik GmbH are sponsoring this initiative in Germany to provide secondary schools with high-quality educational material. Our goal is to raise awareness and emphasize the importance of climate change. In this way, we aim to sensitize the next generation to climate protection and equip them with the knowledge and tools they need to create a sustainable future!
You can view the climate protection poster from VEKA AG as a PDF file here:
Open poster [in German language]
Green thinking and acting
Thinking green means thinking about your own behaviour and the impact on the environment with the aim of improving the lives of all by your own actions. This is something that not only every individual can do, but also we as a globally active group of companies. For this reason, we attach great importance to the sustainable use of the world's resources and are committed to a fututre-friendly development of our company.

Only when we start to see discarded PVC windows anddoors as valuable resources rather than waste, can we start tothink of the economy in a completely new way: as a cycle in whichmany resources are already available – we just need to use them.We began this journey in 1993 when we founded VEKAUmwelttechnik. Since 2006, we’ve also been recycling PVCthroughout Europe at our other sites in England and France.
Certifications: paving the wayfor long-term improvement
When it comes to corporate environmental protection, certification is more than just an instrument for controlling environmental impacts. EMAS and ISO certifications play a key role for us.
In the future, saving energy will become even more important – not only for climate protection, but also in view of fluctuating energy prices and supply uncertainties. As part of our ISO 50001 certification, we were able to set up our energy management system. Since then, we’ve continued to develop our measurement methods.
At our two German GEALAN sites, Tanna and Oberkotzau, we have been able to reduce our energy consumption in recent years, despite an increase in production volume.

Sustainable building products for a sustainable future
At VEKA, acting in a resource- and climate-friendly manner encompasses all stages of the value chain - from energy and water consumption to the use of long-lasting materials and the recycling of discarded products. As a pioneer in the industry, we introduced the closed recycling loop already in 1993 - entirely in the sense of a holistic circular economy.

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges ofour time. It is our responsibility to minimise our impacton the environment and the climate. At the same time,we must adapt our products to the effects of climatechange so that they can withstand the wind, rain andsun of the future.
Keeping an eye on the life cycle of windows
VEKA has been thinking in terms of cycles for a long time. Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are an important tool for the circular economy.
Using the “Design for Recycling” concept our goal is to recycle as much plastic as possible and reuse this recycled material in new products. It is based on three principles: our profiles must be able to contain recycled material; new profiles must be recyclable; and they must meet the quality expectations of our customers and end users.

Highlights of our product range
Health and safety for our employees
Our employees are our most valuable asset. We trust our employees and support them in their professional and personal development. Our relationship is characterised by appreciation, commitment, courage and trust.
As a family-oriented company, we are pleased that parental leave is very popular in the VEKA Group. In 2021, 78 % of employees on parental leave were men – since men make up a high proportion of our workforce.
Well-implemented health and safety (H&S) management is the basis for employee satisfaction. At VEKA, we want to create the perfect conditions for our employees so that everyone is safe and feels comfortable.

Mental health is an issue that our managers and employees have addressed. Both the contact personsi n the HR department and the works council refer employees in difficult life situations to Krisenhilfe Münster e. V.. We’re very grateful for this collaboration and hope that it will provide real support for our employees.
Facts & figures of our workforce
Social engagement has many faces
Within the VEKA Group, we are committed to corporate development that is future-friendly. In the past, we have already been able to celebrate many successes in the area of CSR. In addition to ecological and economic savings, this also includes a commitment in the social are and local communities.

In my 30 years with VEKA, I’ve never been a part of something as powerful and meaningful as Kelly’s Heroes. I am so proud of all the VEKA employees, customers and partners that contributed to the charity event in support of suicide prevention awareness both in North America and in Europe.
Additional projects from our Business Units
Social engagement is important to us, whether around current challenges, health or the common good. The VEKA Group and its employees are committed to their communities and beyond.